
LifeMap Ingredients: Resveratrol

Resveratrol has been proven to be Beneficial in:
* Anti-Aging (Slows down aging in animals & humans)
* More Endurance
* Fights against Heart Attacks & Strokes
* Fights Free Radicals (that can damage cells & cause -premature aging -cancer -brain degeneration)

Researchers at Harvard Medical School believe they have discovered the universal cause of aging in all animals. As animals age (including humans) their cell's DNA becomes damaged. This damage decreases their cell's ability to regulate which genes are turned on and off. If the wrong genes are switched on, this can harm the cell. Helping to solve this problem, sirtuins help ensure that the the incorrect genes remain switched off. Sirtuins also repair the damaged DNA. Resveratrol is a proven activator of sirtuins in animals and humans.

Red wine is a Great source of Resveratrol, however... What is the exact amount You need?
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